Genevieve’s Story

Genevieve is one of our original four goats along with her bonded companion, Chloe, as well as her mother Dulce and brother George who have both unfortunately passed on. Originally our goats were going to be dairy goats for 4H, and I adopted Dulce and had to breed her to stay in the program. But when it came time to give Dulce’s son George away to an unknown future because he wasn’t considered valuable to the dairy industry, I couldn’t do it. I quit 4H and decided to keep my goats as pets and nothing more. I started doing more research on factory farming and became vegan. I decided to start rescuing animals. Shortly before Genevieve’s 2nd birthday she grew a large tumor on her side, we took her to the vet as soon as we could and had it removed and sent for testing. The results came back and showed that she had skin cancer. The vet was able to remove most of the tumor and (knock on wood) the cancer hasn’t come back. Genevieve also has a condition which causes her to have pseudo pregnancies resulting in her lactating despite never having been bred. We only milk Genevieve to prevent mastitis and freeze the milk to use for orphan baby goats we rescue. Genevieve’s strength and loving demeanor despite her hardships inspired me to help other special goats like her that had special needs and unique medical needs. Genevieve, Dulce, George, and Chloe are this inspiration behind Genevieve’s Gentle Hearts Rescue and they have saved the lives of over 250 animals by impacting my life in such a huge way. Genevieve and Chloe live in beautiful Sonoma at the amazing Charlies Acre’s Sanctuary!

  • Kira Kiesler, founder of Genevieve’s Gentle Hearts Rescue